Most people enjoy spending a few minutes a day looking at f
unny pictures. Almost everyone has received an email that contained some of these humorous photos in the past. What most people do not understand is how to find these pictures for themselves.

The internet and search engines are a great tool for finding the odd to the mundane, but unless you are able to ask the search engine specifically what to look for, you may end up spending most of your time searching instead of laughing.

Some people will argue about what makes a funny picture. While it is true, there is a bit of subjectivity to this medium, there are some common attributes to them. Many will say that the unexpected is funny. While this might seem to be true on the surface, it does not always hold true. A gruesome shot of a highway accident can be unexpected, but unless you have a seriously warped sense of humor, you will probably not find it funny.
Some will say that odd is funny. While random odd things might be funny, there are other emotions besides laughter that can be evoked by an odd photograph. A person with an odd shaped head might not cause you to break out into laughter. Some might laugh as a defense mechanism to help disguise their distaste or pity of the subject, but most people do not genuinely find the oddity funny.
Funny Pictures On The Internet